Are Omega-3 Eggs A Good Alternative to Seafood?
Omega-3 eggs may sound like a feat of genetic engineering, but the reality is that hens are simply fed flaxseed. Because flaxseed is high in omega-3 fatty acids, this leads to hens laying eggs that contain omega-3s.
You might wonder, then, if you can replace seafood with omega-3 eggs. For individuals with a seafood allergy, this may sound like a smart alternative. But what about the rest of us? To answer this question, let’s take a look at the nutritional content of omega-3 eggs.
Eggs vs. Fish
Both fish and eggs are high in protein. However, you’d have to eat about three eggs to receive the same amount of protein as in a 3-ounce serving of salmon. In addition, some types of fish are higher in omega-3 fatty acids, than others. For example, salmon, mackerel and sardines have more omega-3s than shellfish. One serving of grouper, flounder or perch has the omega-3 equivalent of a few omega-3 eggs, while shrimp, tilapia and crab contain even less omega-3.
The amount of omega-3s in an egg also varies considerably — anywhere from 100 to 500 mg per egg. One Chino Valley Ranchers Organic Omega-3 egg contains 225 mg of omega-3, while another popular brand of omega-3 eggs only contains 125 mg of omega-3 per egg.
Types of Omega-3
Another important factor to keep in mind is the type of omega-3. The omega-3 we get from eggs may come from flaxseed, chia seed or hemp — all of which contain Alpha Linolenic Acid, or ALA. Seafood, on the other hand, typically contains longer-chain omega-3 fats, such as EPA and DHA.
Longer-chain fatty acids are much more biologically active than ALA and are easier for the body to use. ALA, however, must be converted by the body into longer chain fatty acids and the conversion process is not very efficient. For this reason, eating foods rich in ALA (such as flax or omega-3 eggs) will not offer the same benefit as eating fish.
The Bottom Line
Though omega-3 eggs are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, it’s important to continue eating seafood (as long as you’re not allergic) to receive the long-chain omega-3 fats your body needs. If seafood is not an option for you, then Chino Valley Ranchers Omega-3 eggs can be a great addition to your daily omega-3 supplement.